The Syrian Enterprise and Business Centre (SEBC) is a Syrian non-profit making institution established in 2006 as an NGO according to Syrian laws, benefiting from a legacy of 10-year cooperation between the EU and Syria in developing the business sector in Syria (namely the Syrian-European Business Centre (1996-2006).
Evolving as a smooth transition from the “Five-A” extremely successful EU programme, SEBC is now the leading organisation supporting Syria’s reform by serving as an implementation agency for international partners’ programmes and focusing on developing the business sector through implementing socio-economic activities. In other words, SEBC is the catalyst institution for business sector development and growth in Syria.
Leading by example and serving as a role model, SEBC, The European styled, Syrian operated and managed business institution, adopts innovative styles, bottom up approach and demand driven techniques to achieve its set objectives. It managed over the past years to run and implement initiatives, programmes and projects exceeding in total 65 Million Euros. SEBC is considered by its beneficiaries, donors and partners as their technical arm which is due to the methodology SEBC uses and the close relation of partnership that SEBC believes in. From those partners:
Syria has joined recently the Enterprise Europe Network who offers a “one-stop shop” to meet all the information needs of SMEs and entrepreneurs in Europe and partner countries.
The network services are specifically designed for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) but are also available to all businesses, research centres and Universities across Europe and partner countries. It offers support and advice to businesses across Europe and helps them make the most of the opportunities in the European Union.